Thursday, January 31, 2008

Clones again

I somehow missed the fact that the EU has provisionally approved cloned meat and dairy products before the FDA. Japan's in too. Wait till the Chinese get a hold of this. 6 legged chicken anyone? Read this and this.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Mc Clone part 2

Read this.

It's a done deal. Hostia.

Mc Clone

I've been picking this up pereferally through the Spanish papers. OK genetically modified corn was one thing but the FDA is going to approve meat and milk from cloned animals! I should have guessed this was coming. Isn't anybody going to react to this! Next up... Blade Runner. Or Pakistani clones working on the next Dubai. Am I missing something here...

Caras de Sants 2

Kid in Metro.jpg, originally uploaded by robinwillis.

Finally go the scanner working right. 35MM, TRI X baby. Nikkormat with 35 Nikkor. Here's some hints for those that need them. My pain is your gain. For black and white negs scan 16 bit at 400 DPI or as close as you can. It will give you a great 12 X 17 inch print if you want. I'm using an Epson 3590 with Vuescan software. Get it. And Lightroom rocks. I just wish it wasn't an Adobe product. There, I just gave you info that cost me 3 weeks of dinking around.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Camel Spaghetti

Well me and my pal and perhaps the world's best doc editor Georgia Wyss have finally put together 7 minutes from the Saharawi footage. The idea now is to set up a film boot camp in the... camps and teach the Saharawi how to direct, shoot and edit their own TV program... to be run on the BBC? Channel 4? Lake View, Nebraska Cable Access. We are trying to talk to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation about bankrolling the project. Ah... dreams for a better world. An entire army of super talented pals have signed on. God bless them all! Take a look. Send cash.

"Walter Ate a Peanut" The Movie

Folks there is a new project beginning. Remember my friend Darrell's amazing short story, "Walter Ate A Peanut?" Well I am going back to PDX and we are going to turn it into an equally amazing short film. And here's how: Like Chris Marker's famous short "La Jetee" we are going to do it with a still camera and then edit the stills into a movie on my laptop. We are shooting for a budget of around a hundred bucks. Which is less than half the budget of the commercial that brought me to this lonely place at the top of the advertising food chain. Anyway like that commercial we will use next door neighbors exclusively as talent. Hopefully my old friend Kathleen Lopez is going to produce it. Tune in regularly to follow this hot, fast breaking story.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Snowboarding for fun and profit

We went skiing. OK beeg deal. Well chicos it is for me because I is back! Yes I went up last year once and did OK for a cripple. But this year I wolfed down some cortisone and did some pretty quick runs down the black slope... OK it was a not very black... black slope but I did good enough for me to have major back spasms on the way up on the chair lift over and over again. I am glad the slopes were basically empty because my fellow chairlift travelers would have though I was having a heart attack or a religious experience or both. By the way the place we went to was super fabulous... Vall de Nuria. OK not much to speak of run wise but it so beautiful and the only way in is by rack railroad. The Pyrenees are just too wonderful for words. Little mini mountains with happy shepherds and mountain sheep. And great chow!

Anyway the last half day I rented a snowboard and walked up and slid down the bunny slope until I got it. So I have decided its time to retire the ski equipment and buy a bong and go riding. I don´t know what it is with the big flat stick but it just feels so much better. Look, fundamentally you can only do perfect turns. I have been skiing for 20 years and I think I have been happy with a turn like maybe 3 times. OK I have high standards but the whole Zen, doper aesthetic just seems right right now. The boots are big, floppy and comfortable. The board is easy to lug around and you can use it for a coffee table when you are not riding... man.

The other thing that was enlightening was that I basically had no arthritis related pain... OK thighs on fire and the aforementioned labor pains yeah but no joint stuff. Before my hips were killing me and my right ankle was a little rough and the left knee was reminding who was the boss... but on the slopes I completely forgot about it and the euphoria has kept on going for a week. So as far as I am concerned it`s full tilt action man from now on. I am going up again this week. Just me, my pal Mick's board, my new "on sale" boots and my bong... man.