Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The hole in the bridge

So I had been hired to light the Hawthorne bridge in Portland, Oregon. The crew had cut a hole in the bridge to access the underside. They covered the hole with a grid made out of what seemed to be tubing from old TV antennas. I found a board and cover up the hole as well as I could but I still thought it was unsafe so I went in search of something else. I found myself at an old black man’s house. He took me downstairs to his basement workshop which had a window from which I could see the bridge. He gave me a couple of welding clamps and I found a bigger piece of plywood leaning against the side of the house. I went back to the bridge. I then began to think that the hole was only in my imagination so I climbed up on the bridge's superstructure. I then leapt towards the hole. As I approached the hole suddenly everything became sandy and yellow and the dream ended.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Water Slide

I am someplace in the United States. Someplace in Rhode Island I think. I am in a car but I seem to have an inflatable raft too. It is a beautiful day. I am in rural area. I see a man in another inflatable raft and he is floating in a muddy creek that is running very fast. I now too am in my raft and going down the creek. The creek cuts though a field of tall green grass. I pass a creek side mom and pop grocery store and come to rest on a muddy bank. I get out and realize I don’t remember where my car is. I seem to abandon the raft and begin walking. The road runs though beautiful rural landscapes. I eventually come to what I guess is tire store and see a short man dressed in a sort of loud suit. I ask him for a ride to my car and explain the raft trip. He tells me it happens all the time and says he will take me but alludes to the fact that he will need to be paid. I pull out a five dollar bill and he tells me he was glad it was five because he would have been disappointed if it were anything less. Somehow my dog Mac appeared. We get in his old station wagon and retrace route I followed to him. I see my car and wake up.248827516.393944.tif 248768882.310831.tif248827351.678995.tif 248769334.54996.tif