Monday, February 25, 2008

Darrell really is a genius

So I and Darrell and Kathleen Lopez all met for dinner on Friday night. After a few hundred hours of story telling we finally got down to the business of shooting this sucker. Ultimately its going pretty well. There are some pretty big tasks at hand but we seem to getting though the list. I had this brain storm... I plan on coming back to Portland with the whole family this summer. We should shoot another one of these. We need another script from Darrell. So I tell him about this and he says, "Well, you know, I just can't come up with things that quickly..." I said I understood but if he did have any other ideas he should let me know. We eventually said our goodbyes and I headed back home. Before I went to bed I checked my email, there were 2 news stories from the maestro... Darrell really, really is a genius.


James Fish said...

shooting what sucker///what you talkin 'bout Willis?
Yeah, you thought no one was reading this stuff...

Robin Willis said...

Sorry Meester! I will add a link to the rest of the story. For now just dig back to Walter Ate a Peanut.